Admin classes


This is a bare-bones tree admin. All it does is enforce ordering, and indent the nodes in the tree to make a pretty tree list view.

MPTTModelAdmin screenshot


from django.contrib import admin
from mptt.admin import MPTTModelAdmin
from myproject.myapp.models import Node, MPTTModelAdmin)

You can change the indent pixels per level globally by putting this in your

# default is 10 pixels

If you’d like to specify the pixel amount per Model, define an mptt_level_indent attribute in your MPTTModelAdmin:

from django.contrib import admin
from mptt.admin import MPTTModelAdmin
from myproject.myapp.models import Node

class CustomMPTTModelAdmin(MPTTModelAdmin):
    # specify pixel amount for this ModelAdmin only:
    mptt_level_indent = 20, CustomMPTTModelAdmin)

If you’d like to specify which field should be indented, add an mptt_indent_field to your MPTTModelAdmin:

# …
class CustomMPTTModelAdmin(MPTTModelAdmin):
    mptt_indent_field = "some_node_field"
# …


Added in version 0.8.1.

DraggableMPTTAdmin screenshot

This is a tree admin based on FeinCMS offering drag-drop functionality for moving nodes:

from django.contrib import admin
from mptt.admin import DraggableMPTTAdmin
from myproject.myapp.models import Node
        # ...more fields if you feel like it...


Supported browsers include all recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer (9 or better).


Does not work well with big trees (more than a few hundred nodes, or trees deeper than 10 levels). Patches implementing lazy-loading of deep trees are very much appreciated.

It is recommended that tree_actions is the first value passed to list_display; this also requires you to specify list_display_links because tree_actions cannot be used as the object link field.

indented_title does nothing but return the indented self-description of nodes, 20px per level (or the value of mptt_level_indent, see below.)

list_per_page is set to 2000 by default (which effectively disables pagination for most trees).

You may set the attribute expand_tree_by_default = True in your DraggableMPTTAdmin to expand the tree on first page visit (default is False). After this the state of every node (expanded or collapsed) is saved to the browser storage.

Replacing indented_title

If you want to replace the indented_title method with your own, we recommend using the following code:

from django.utils.html import format_html

class MyDraggableMPTTAdmin(DraggableMPTTAdmin):
    list_display = ('tree_actions', 'something')
    list_display_links = ('something',)

    def something(self, instance):
        return format_html(
            '<div style="text-indent:{}px">{}</div>',
            instance._mpttfield('level') * self.mptt_level_indent,
  ,  # Or whatever you want to put here
    something.short_description = _('something nice')

For changing the indentation per node, look below. Simply replacing indented_title is insufficient because the indentation also needs to be communicated to the JavaScript code.

Overriding admin templates per app or model

DraggableMPTTAdmin uses the stock admin changelist template with some CSS and JavaScript on top, so simply follow the official guide for overriding admin templates.

Changing the indentation of nodes

Simply set mptt_level_indent to a different pixel value (defaults to 20):

# ...
class MyDraggableMPTTAdmin(DraggableMPTTAdmin):
    mptt_level_indent = 50
# ...


Admin filter class which filters models related to parent model with all it’s descendants.

MPTTModelAdmin screenshot


from mptt.admin import TreeRelatedFieldListFilter

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    model = models.MyModel
    list_filter =
        ('my_related_model', TreeRelatedFieldListFilter),

Changing the indentation of list filter nodes

Simply set mptt_level_indent to a different pixel value (defaults to 10):

# ...
class MyTreeRelatedFieldListFilter(TreeRelatedFieldListFilter):
mptt_level_indent = 20
# ...